Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Biscoff Spread

Have you ever seen this stuff!? It is terribly delicious! I say terribly because I am utterly hooked. One of my local grocery stores had some out to sample a couple of weeks ago with chunks of bread and after my third trip of wandering back over to get another taste, I decided to buy a jar before they made me pay for my multiple samplings =)

I describe it as Belgium's peanut butter substitute. I have been using everywhere I would normally put peanut butter and my daughter can eat it because it contains no nuts (She isn't two yet so we haven't given her peanut butter yet). I'm excited to start experimenting with it while baking, but will have to buy another jar first because we couldn't stop eating it. My favorite way of enjoying it has been to spread a thin layer on a whole wheat tortilla and roll it up. If you see a jar, I highly suggest picking it up!

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